As she levels up, though, her pull becomes even more powerful, and she’ll develop her tech skills as well - like invasion. Especially in early levels, though, you’ll probably spend a lot of time reviving her - it doesn’t take much damage for her to fall in battle. She’s also good at medium range with her pistol. Peebee’s go-to move in combat is her biotic pull, which will send your enemies floating into the air, making them easy to shoot and vulnerable to combo attacks. But his overload ability pairs well with most other squad members, so it’d be a mistake to disregard him. Couple that with his havoc strike, which tends to drop him straight into the heart of a battle, and Liam’s a mixed bag. But Liam tends to get in close to use his omni-blades, so he doesn’t deal a lot of damage, and he’s not a bullet sponge. He’s got a useful shield-draining attack (overload), and he’ll toss out some frag grenades, which are great for getting bad guys out from cover. If she’s on her own, though, her aggression can make her vulnerable. If you or your other squadmate like to get up close and personal as well, Cora’s shield boost provides some welcome protection. Sometimes, this provides a helpful distraction. Like Liam, Cora has a tendency to charge into close quarters combat. Cora HarperĪs a human asari huntress, Cora relies on her biotics. Mixing and matching their abilities and styles is the key to making your squad helpful during a fight.

Jaal, on the other hand, prefers to hang back and snipe. Some, like Drack, go charging into the middle of combat. Each member of your team has strengths, weaknesses and tactics. Which is not to say that there’s no logic to assembling your Mass Effect: Andromeda squad. In fact, the only time your squad makeup really matters is during each character’s loyalty missions. Unlike previous Mass Effect games, there aren’t specialized abilities - you won’t be locked out of anywhere if you have the wrong people in your squad. (Well, it’s mostly about combat and a little about who you want to hear dialogue snippets from while you’re driving around.) Choosing your squad in Mass Effect: Andromeda is all about combat.